
Bangladesh Strategic Program Context Analysis: Watershed‐ Empowering Citizens

August 22, 2022

Watershed‐Empowering Citizens program was implemented in Bangladesh, along with five (5) other countries, for the period of 2016‐2020, as a strategic partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IRC, Simavi, Wetlands International, and Akvo. The Context Analysis was carried out from May to July 2016, as an independent, systematic, and objective analysis of the associated stakeholders and factors, with a particular focus on the linkage between WASH and IWRM.

The study provided the program management with credible and useful information, enabling the incorporation of lessons of other stakeholders into the decision‐making process regarding the main geographical areas, factors/issues to initially focus on, and the stakeholders to work with/to target. It also supported the development of the initial pathway of changes to reach the desired long‐term changes, in conformity with the overall Theory of Change of the program. Stichting Simavi commissioned and accordingly a four (4) member team of Harmony conducted the study, where relevant data was collected through a review of available literature and interview with 31 individuals representing different groups of stakeholders.
