Harmony Trust

Police Officer’s Orientation on Management of Stress, Pain and Common Health Issues
Yoga - A Holistic Approach to Health and Well-being
Building Better Partnerships - Training of the Plan International Bangladesh Officials
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Healthcare Program

Both the physical and mental health issues are within our priority. Our experts are engaged in delivery of preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative healthcare services. We apply an integrative approach using an appropriate combination of WHO recognized techniques of complementary medicine, which are non-invasive and non-pharmacological in nature, and are backed by shift in the lifestyle(s).

Support Service

Aiming to improve the quality and scale of their services/products, we offer the public/private sector entities customized Capacity Building services in Management of Resources, Knowledge, Information, Systems, Operation and Service/Product Delivery. Our pool of consultants deliver the services in the areas of Learning and Knowledge Management, Organizational Capacity Development, Strategic Management, Policy/System Development, and Skill Transfer.


Job Announcement Notice:

An exciting and multi-dimensional career opportunity for Young Professionals

Position: Intern (Program)
Job Location: Adabor, Dhaka 
Application Deadline: 5 PM, 20 November 2023.

View: Job Announcement





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Empowering Women Through Breast Self-Examination Training at IPH School, Mohakhali

Empowering Women Through Breast Self-Examination Training…

Harmony Trust, in collaboration with Shobujer Ovijan Foundation and with the support of Save the Children, successfully conducted a transformative session on—”Self-Examination and Holistic Approaches to Countering Breast Cancer”—on March…

International Women’s Day 2025 : Empowering RMG Workers in Tongi and Joydebpur to build resilience against Breast Cancer

International Women’s Day 2025 : Empowering…

This International Women’s Day 2025, Harmony Trust proudly fostered the global theme “Rights. Equality. Empowerment” through our transformative initiative, “Self-Examination and Holistic Approach to Countering Breast Cancer”. Hosted at Saturn Textile Ltd (Tongi)…

Breast Self-Examination Training at Dhaka Udyan to Empower Female Workers in the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Breast Self-Examination Training at Dhaka Udyan…

Harmony Trust, in collaboration with Safety and Rights Society (SRS), successfully hosted a transformative session titled “Self-Examination and Holistic Approach to Countering Breast Cancer” on February 28, 2025, at Dhaka Udyan Women’s Caffe,…

Health and Lifestyle videos

Tutorial on Yoga Reflexology

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লিভার পরিচর্যায় হোম রেমিডি

লিভার পরিচর্যায় হোম রেমিডি

মানবদেহের দ্বিতীয় বৃহত্তম অঙ্গ হলো লিভার বা যকৃত। কোন কোষের পাওয়ার হাউজ যেমন মাইটোকন্ড্রিয়া, ঠিক তেমনি মানবদেহের পাওয়ার হাউজ হলো লিভার। দেহের বেশিরভাগ কাজই সম্পাদিত হয় এই লিভারের মাধ্যমে,  যেমন- প্রোটিন সিনথেসিস বা সংশ্লেষণ, বিপাকক্রিয়া, এনজাইম…

Diet for a Healthy Liver 

Diet for a Healthy Liver 

The liver is an important organ and plays a key role in the regulation of metabolism and in the secretion, storage, and detoxification of endogenous and exogenous substances. Thus, maintaining…

হেপাটাইটিস প্রতিরোধ ও নিরাময়ে করণীয়

হেপাটাইটিস প্রতিরোধ ও নিরাময়ে করণীয়

বিশ্বে প্রায় প্রতি ২০ সেকেন্ডে ১ জন মানুষ প্রাণ হারাচ্ছেন হেপাটাইটিস জনিত কারণে! দেশের এক কোটি মানুষ বহন করছেন হেপাটাইটিস বি’ কিংবা ‘সি’ ভাইরাস। এদের প্রতি ১০ জনের ৯ জন-ই…

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