
Country Context Analysis – WASH Alliance International 2016

August 22, 2022

In 2016, the Wash Alliance International (WAI) initiated consolidating the country’s Alliances and program results in eight (8) countries and preparing itself for the post-2016 phase, prioritizing the issues of program development and fundraising. As a part of that, the Bangladesh Country Context Analysis provided the WAI with a detailed overview of the WASH status in Bangladesh, considering both the central and local level perspectives, including data on current access (and use) of WASH, population figures, anticipated WASH problems in light of climate change, public and private sector involvement, innovative financing options, and an extensive stakeholder overview.

The qualitative study also provided an overview of IWRM status in selected river basin/catchment areas, including information on where water is coming from, where it is going to, water quality and quantity, demand & use, upstream/downstream connection, stakeholder analysis, and current & expected developments. Stichting Simavi commissioned, and accordingly, a four (4) number team of Harmony conducted the study from May to June 2016. A review of available documents and interviews with 61 individuals representing 18 stakeholder groups were the methods used in the country context analysis.
