Harmony Trust

Exploring the Potentials and Initiatives for Strengthening Partnership base of Save the Children in Bangladesh (2017)

August 23, 2022

The assignment aimed to support SCI in strengthening its partnership base in Bangladesh. Dhaka and Sylhet was the field location. A two (2) member team of Harmony extended the technical assistance to SCiBD from July to November 2017. The major components were as follows.

1. Customization of OCA Tools

2. Organizational Capacity Assessment and Capacity Strengthening Planning of four (4) high-value partners of SCiBD, i.e., FIVDB, PHD, BTS, and SEEP

3. Development of two (2) guidelines, i.e., on strategic planning and resource mobilization, for the Partner NGOs of SCiBD

4. Design and Conduct a quick study for harvesting outcome of the capacity strengthening process with fifteen (15) Strategic Partners of SCiBD

5. Design and conduct a mapping of Save the Children’s Partnership with CSOs to identify the potential areas of strategic collaboration for SCiBD, in terms of managing partnership with the CSOs for better performance in influencing the “public policy process”
