Harmony Trust

Framework Agreement (for formulation/revision of 8 policies and 4 systems)

August 23, 2022

The project aimed to strengthen the organizational capacities of Society for Health Extension and Development (SHED) for efficient management of resources. From October to December 2021, a three (3) member team of Harmony extended the services to SHED. Based on desk research, interviews, and consultation with the concerned officials, the project revised six (6) policies, i.e., Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Gender, Child, HR, Financial, and Procurement; developed two (2) new policies; i.e., safeguarding and Risk Management; developed four (4) systems, i.e., M&E, Feedback/Complaint, financial projection, and contingency planning; and prepared ToRs for two (2) functional departments, i.e., Internal Audit and MEAL. For sensitization of the employees, the project also developed short versions of the policy documents in Bengali.
