
Capacity Assessment of BRAC’s Local Partners (NGOs) in Gox’s Bazar Humanitarian Crisis Management Program (HCMP)

August 23, 2022

The project supported the BRAC HCMP to support four (4) local partners to build their capacity for better development and humanitarian programming with a particular focus on localization, social cohesion, gender mainstreaming, disability inclusion, and better collaboration for synergistic results.  HELP, JNUS, PHALS, and SHED were the partner NGOs supported under this project.

The main components of the project were the development of the most appropriate approach and framework for Organizational Capacity Assessment (CA) and Capacity Strengthening (CS) of the partners; facilitation of Capacity Assessment by involving relevant internal and external stakeholders; and supporting the partner NGOs to understand why and how best they can continue the journey towards continuous improvement of their capacity as vibrant local NGOs.

A three (3) member team of Harmony delivered the project from November to December 2020.

Discussion Oriented Organizational Self-Assessment (DOSA), Board’s Self-Evaluation (BSE), E-Interviews of the Development Partners (EIDP), Literature Review (LR), and Performance Scoring by the Beneficiaries (PSB) were the methods used in Capacity Assessment.
