Our Team

Dr. Muhammod Abdus Sabur

M. Anisul Islam

Amitabha Ghosh

Amitabha Bhattacharjee
With a career spanning over two decades, Amitabha Bhattacharjee stands as a stalwart in the development sector. His areas of expertise encompass Organization Development and Change Management, Learning and Knowledge Management, and Capacity Building. His deep insights into organizational dynamics, combined with his unwavering commitment to skill enhancement, make him an influential figure in his field. Mr. Bhattacharjee is the Founder of Harmony, serving the organization as the Secretary and Chief Executive Officer. His dedication is further underlined by his exploration of Yogic Philosophy and Reflexology, which culminated in the co-authorship of a celebrated book on Reflexology in 2020. His articles, regularly featured in reputable publications, address the nuances of incorporating holistic approaches into mainstream healthcare.
Mr. Bhattacharjee’s vast experience includes collaborations with renowned global organizations like the World Bank, DANIDA, Save the Children, and Plan International, to name a few. His background in Business Administration, combined with over sixteen years in Organization Development, has seen him assist a plethora of NGOs in refining their strategies, policies, and systems. A revered figure in research, he has spearheaded over 80 projects spanning various sectors, including public health, WASH, governance, inclusion, social accountability, social cohesion, and sustainable agriculture, highlighting his commitment to data-driven strategies for lasting change. A staunch advocate for sustainable change and continuous learning, his philosophy resonates with his endeavors, making him an emblem of dedication in the development sector. His unmatched expertise, strategic vision, and ardor for development continue to inspire and impact global communities.

Syeda Shahida Sultana
Syeda Shahida Sultana Elora is an eminent young Complementary Health Professional in Bangladesh, known for her expertise in Yoga Therapy, Reflexology Therapy, Acupressure Therapy, and Psycho-social Counselling. As a registered associate member of the School of Natural Health and Science (SNHS), UK, and a certified Yoga Teacher and Evaluator (Level III, 46 credit points, 800 hours) by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, Elora has honed her skills and knowledge in natural healing. She studied Acupressure (Diploma) at SNHS, London, UK, Advanced Reflexology (Diploma) at the Centre of Excellence, London, UK, and Homeopathy (Diploma) at the Bangladesh Homeopathy Hospital and College, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Elora is also a Quantum Graduate (on meditation) and has completed the transformational program titled “Shuddhadvaitam” on the philosophy and science of yoga at Nithyananda University, Ujjain, India.
Elora has been a guest trainer on Naturopathy for the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Bangladesh Police, at the Forensic Training Institute, Detective Training School, and Cyber Training Centre. She has trained thousands of police officers on stress and pain management, supporting the health and well-being of law enforcement officers in Bangladesh. Throughout her professional career, Elora has also supported the development of hundreds of young individuals as professional Reflexology Therapists serving patients in different parts of the country. She has transferred skills to many of her patients to manage their health conditions through the self-application of Yoga and Reflexology. She has handled numerous cases, including critical illnesses, with her customized combination of Yoga Therapy, Reflexology Therapy, Acupressure Therapy, and Psycho-social Counselling.
With her passion for complementary health and commitment to serving her community, Elora is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking natural healing and wellness in Bangladesh. Her expertise and dedication have helped many individuals achieve optimal health and well-being. In January 2020, she authored a critically acclaimed book titled “Reflexology: Theory & Practice” (ISBN 978-984-34-7778-1), further showcasing her knowledge and expertise in natural healing.